Stirb langsam - jetzt erst recht; Die Hard With A Vengeance
Allgemeine Angaben
Medientyp: OST
Land der Veröffentlichung: USA
01 - Summer in the City (The Lovin' Spoonful)
02 - Main Title
03 - Goodbye Bonwits
04 - John and Zeus
05 - Taxi
06 - Neat Bomb
07 - Papaya King
08 - 72nd Street Phone
09 - Taxi Chase
10 - The Subway (Part 1)
11 - The Subway (Part 2)
12 - Take A-nother Train
13 - Feds
14 - Rings a Bell
15 - Infiltration
16 - Bank Invasion
17 - Back to Wall Street
18 - Fake Cops
19 - The Federal Reserve
20 - Bank Elevator
21 - Gold Room Aftermath
22 - Panic
23 - Aqueduct
24 - Santa Claus
25 - Yankee Stadium - School and Tunnel
26 - Refrigerator Bomb
27 - Surfing in the Aqueduct
28 - Ticking Refrigerator
29 - Mercedes Chase - School Assembly
30 - Aftermath - Waiting and Falling
31 - Hooking the Boat
32 - Bunny and Fire Drill
33 - Running in the Halls
34 - Bomb Goes into Hold
35 - John Makes It Mad
36 - Holly - Celebration
37 - Oh, Canada!
38 - Johnny Comes Marching Home
39 - Regret
40 - Hooking the Boat (alternate)
41 - On the Freighter - John Makes it Mad
42 - Wall Street Station
43 - The Subway (Part 1) (alt. segment)
44 - The Subway (Part 2) (alt. segment)
45 - Ode to Johnny
46 - No Rush
47 - Escape
48 - The Foundry
49 - Waltz of the Bankers (album track)
50 - Gold Vault
51 - Somebody Had Fun (wild snare)
52 - Johnny Comes Marching Home (wild vamps)
Dieser Soundtrack enthält Songs aus folgenden Filmen
Stirb langsam - jetzt erst recht
Leider kein Cover vorhanden
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