Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Complete)
Allgemeine Angaben
Medientyp: OST
Land der Veröffentlichung: USA
01 - Fanfare and Prologue
02 - Journey to Exegol
03 - Falcon Flight
04 - We Go Together
05 - Arrival at Pasaana
06 - The Speeder Chase
07 - In The Desert
08 - A Prisoner
09 - To Kijimi
10 - Fleeing From Kijimi
11 - Hallway Shooting
12 - Hard to Get Rid Of
13 - I'm The Spy
14 - Join Me
15 - The Old Death Star
16 - Off The Waterfront
17 - The Final Saber Duel
18 - Healing Wounds
19 - Advice
20 - Destiny of a Jedi
21 - They Will Come
22 - Battle of the Resistance
23 - Approaching the Throne
24 - Parents
25 - Coming Together
26 - The Force Is with You
27 - Rescue
28 - Farewell
29 - Reunion
30 - A New Home
31 - Finale
32 - The Old Death Star (Alternate)
33 - Healing Wounds (Alternate)
34 - The Rise of Skywalker
35 - Anthem of Evil
Dieser Soundtrack enthält Songs aus folgenden Filmen
Star Wars: Episode IX - Der Aufstieg Skywalkers
Leider kein Cover vorhanden
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